Sunday, October 31, 2021

At Christmas, Homebody or Social Butterfly?

It’s that time of year again.

With the passage of Halloween, the holiday season is officially upon us. Before we know it, it will be time to welcome in 2022!

But, until then, cozy moments at home with the ones we love and parties with friends and/or work colleagues will vie for our time. Whether you prefer to be a homebody or social butterfly, sometimes we have no choice.

Take these busy, career driven couples in two of the ten short stories contained in the book Christmas With You A collection of sweet romances guaranteed to put you in a holiday frame of mind.

In Christmas Traditions, Kenzie Adams finds herself attending the obligatory office Christmas party at her new firm. While mingling with the work mates she feels comfortable with, Aiden something or other from the mailroom catches her eye…rather her lips…and eventually, her heart. And it all started with a surprise kiss under the mistletoe.

In Christmas Conflict, heartache weary Dean and Mandy Nichols would like nothing more than to enjoy the quiet comfort of a night for just the two of them, away from all the chaos and duties of life. Unfortunately, too much pride and too many misunderstandings thwart them at every turn. But, with Christmas on the horizon, maybe, just maybe, they can eventually find their rightful place at the inn.

Christmas With You

A collection of sweet romances guaranteed

to put you in a holiday frame of mind.

And while you're at it, be sure to check out three more collections of romance short stories for the holidays, written by a few of my friends. Christmas Snow and Mistletoe by Jannine Gallant, Small Town Christmas Tales by Alison Henderson and Mistletoe Magic by Leah St. James.

Be good to yourself, snuggle up with a little romance.


Monday, October 11, 2021


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here…sort of anyway.

Okay so not really so much outside. Here in Michigan, while the leaves are turning from green to yellow and amber and red, and the hours of daylight are dwindling, we’re still enjoying days with temperatures upwards of seventy degrees.

Take a look inside many stores though, and you’ll be sure to find Christmas in the air…and on the shelves. From cards and decorations to Christmas themed apparel and movies, merchandise of all kinds, is out there and available.

It is early yet, I’ll readily admit, but to get you in the Christmas mood and at the same time, help you store up energy for the Christmas frenzy to come…do I have a deal for you.

Ten short stories full of the Christmas spirit and sweet, satisfying romance. In one easy to hold volume. All for only ninety-nine cents on pre-order. Get your copy here

With an official release date of November 2, 2021.

Plenty of time to get your copy, but you might want to hurry…because before long, it'll be…

Beginning to look a whole lot like Christmas.

Christmas With You

The Christmas spirit brought to you…one sweet yet sensual romance at a time.

CHRISTMAS CONFLICT ~ A heartache weary couple find their place together at the inn. 

CHRISTMAS NEWS ~ For a busy couple, simple sacrifices at Christmas reap precious rewards.

CHRISTMAS TRUE ~ He was what she didn’t want for Christmas—until he proved her wrong.

CHRISTMAS BLUE ~ Stakeout with her ex on Christmas Eve—nightmare or dream come true?

CHRISTMAS TRADITIONS ~ Two broken hearts learn to love again, as Christmas draws near.

CHRISTMAS SANTA ~ This make-believe Santa risks his life to prove how much he loves her.

CHRISTMAS WISH ~  A Christmas wish to be together come true. Because he loved her so.

CHRISTMAS SURPRISE ~ A Christmastime reunion to cherish—or a homecoming to regret?

CHRISTMAS RUSH ~ Can their misplaced true love be renewed by the arrival of Christmas?

CHRISTMAS MIRACLE ~ Two tour-stressed country stars bring Christmas home.

Thursday, August 12, 2021


DEAD TO RIGHTS, a romance short story of fictional mayhem and murder, begins for Whitney Rhoades on a day which just happens to be Friday the 13th, under the magical glow of a spectacular full moon.

What could possibly go wrong?

Police dispatcher Whitney Rhoades has one word for her current life…contentment. Even after a disfigured body is discovered near her home. When word gets out she’s found a piece of a broken mirror, the deadly mishaps begin to pile up, and her peaceful world becomes a nightmare.

Veteran detective Gabriel Tate knows a vendetta when he sees it. What he doesn’t know is who wants Whitney dead. But despite her terror, she tosses his offer of protection back in his face. She trusted him once, and he betrayed her. He can’t…won’t…let that happen again.

Unless he can regain her trust—and soon—the results could be fatal. Find a murderer, or risk losing her again…permanently.

One step off the path could be her last.

Friday the 13th is considered to be a dreaded date on the calendar when natural disasters and human catastrophes of all kinds are destined to occur.

Even though various studies have found no evidence this is true, a number of businesses, particularly airlines, experience a major decrease in customers on the greatly feared day. In some high rise buildings, a 13th floor simply doesn’t exist, though floors 1 through 12 and 14 through however many more there are, do.

Thankfully, Friday the 13ths as we know them, occur few and far between. Three Friday the 13ths are the most that can take place in any given year. This particular year contains only one. Today, Friday August 13, 2021, so I figured I’d better take advantage.

Full moons, on the other hand, or not, are noted for insanity, as in lunacy and lunatic, as well the time for a variety of magical phenomena. Unlike Friday the 13ths, full moons occur once a month, every month. A full moon is actually the result of the moon’s entire surface being illuminated by the sun’s rays when the two celestial bodies align perfectly, directly opposite each other.

The energy of a full moon is said to heighten emotions and mental processes for either good or evil.

Much to ponder for sure. Friday the 13th, a fateful date famous for bad luck, and its astrological counterpart, a mystical, yet at times treacherous, full moon.

What could possibly go wrong? Read DEAD TO RIGHTS to find out.